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These instruments are not sterilized. All instruments must be sterilized by an
approved method before use.
International Approved Sterilization Methods.
We recommend steam autoclave and ethylene
oxide (ETO) sterilization methods.
Steam autoclave is a highly efficient method
of sterilization which will not dull the sharpness of the instruments. If steam
autoclave and ethylene oxide methods are not available,dry heat and chemical
vapour methods are also recommended. We
do not approve chemicalsterilization methods.
These methods destroy your instruments quickly and, if used, will
eventuallyinvalidate the warranty of your instruments.
Instruments should be dry before sterilization
and in the open position when sterilized.
Instrumenttrays should never be overloaded. Sterilization units must be
cleaned and functioning properly.Autoclaves have high level of moisture and can
be damaged if not in good working order. Purified, distilled water must be used
in autoclave sterilization units. We do not recommend using tap water.It
contains minerals which can cause corrosion and discoloration of instruments.
Take out the instrumentsfrom the autoclave immediately after cooling when the
sterilization cycle is completed. Ensure that alltips and joints of the
instruments are moisture free. Moisture may cause corrosion.Before
storage,instruments should be properly lubricated with silicon based lubricant.
of the Instruments:
Always clean the instruments thoroughly in
order to enhance the life span of your instruments. Bulk derbies should be
removed immediately after use. We recommended Enzymatic cleaning solution in an
ultrasonic cleaner to clean the instruments. Ultrasonic solution must be
changed on daily basis.Instruments with hinges must be cleaned in an open
position. Oxidation and discoloration may occurif instruments are not
thoroughly cleaned. Always use disinfections and detergents which are
suitablefor use with dental and surgical instruments. With regards to
concentrations and length of exposure,detergents manufacturer’s instructions
should be followed strictly.
Tap water should be avoided during the
cleaning of instruments. It contains minerals which can cause
corrosion and discoloration of instruments.
Tap water can also neutralize the rust inhibiting andlubricating solution.
We recommended the use of purified, distilled
water in ultrasonic cleaning units. It is also recommended
to use non-rinse ultrasonic solution that
contains both lubricant and rust inhibitor prior to sterilization
and follow the manufacturer’s exact solution
measurement. Never leave the instruments in the ultrasonic solution after the
cycle is finished. Instruments should be removed and dried immediately.
of Instruments:
Instruments must be lubricated regularly to
increase the life time of instruments.It should be carried out
daily or at least on weekly basis. Prior to
sterilization, instruments must be lubricated. Lubricants designed
Specifically for precision hinged instruments
should be used. Make sure to use lubricant that is well-suited with the
operating temperature of your dry heat unit if dry heat sterilized is used.
of Instruments:
Regular sharpening of instruments, for example
cutters, will enhance their service life and increase their
ability to cut more effective and efficiently.
Fortec’s recommended frequency of sharpening the
cutters depends on how frequently you use them
and also the diameters and type of wires on which the
cutter is being used frequently. Cutters must
be assessed regularly if sharpening is required.
All of the
instruments manufactured by Fortec International are highly resistant to
corrosion. Following care
and maintenance tips can be followed to further prevent corrosion problems.
discoloration of instruments may not be corrosion. Sometimes, organic materials
that are
on the instruments during use can give the appearance of corrosion or can be
mistaken for rust.
1. An
orange-brown stain is normally a phosphate layer caused by water sources,
sterilization solutions or cleaning detergents.
A black stain is normally an acidic reaction
caused by detergents.
A dark brown stain is usually caused by dried
blood residues.
A blue-black stain is usually plating caused
by autoclave cleaning materials.
instruments should never be mixed with non-corroded instruments as it may
multiple the process of oxidation. We strongly recommend discarding or
replacing the corroded instruments immediately.
Prevent Corrosion:
Corrosion can be issue with any stainless
steel instruments. Stainless steel requires oxygen to from chromium
oxide surface layer,which prevent it from corrosion.Bonding
agents, organic residue and water droplets left on
the instruments prevent oxygen to come in
contact with the surface of the instruments and forming this
protective layer.
Fortec International
recommends the following to prevent corrosion:
1. Prior
to the sterilization of the instruments, all residual matter must be cleaned thoroughly
2. Instruments must be sterilized in open
3. Instruments must be properly air towel
dried. Specifically take care of the joint areas and hinges.
4. Corroded instruments should never be
sterilized with non-corroded instruments as it may permanently
transfers the iron oxide on the corroded
instruments to the non-corroded instruments.
International Final Recommendation:
1. All Re-Usable instruments are delivered in
NON-STERILE condition and must be cleaned, lubricated and
sterilized before every use.
2. All surgical instruments should be
disinfected and cleaned immediately after use with disposable cloth/paper/
wiper etc.
3. If the instruments comes into connect with
blood, tissue, physiological saline or other foreign substances, they
should be rinsed with warm (not hot) water
before the substance dries up on the instruments.
4. We recommended cleaning solution and rinsed
with pH7.0.
5. Ultrasonic cleaning is recommended.
6. For effectiveness, first clean the
instruments off any residue before placing them in ultrasonic cleaner.
7. After
cleaning, all instruments should be dried immediately.
8. Treat all instruments with oil which is considered
as being physiologically safe (paraffin oil), especially their
ends, ratchets and moveable parts.
9. Instruments can be disinfected in thermal
10. Do not leave instruments in cleaning or
disinfecting solutions for long time (over night or weekend) otherwise
instruments can be damaged.
11. All instruments should be visually
inspected for damage or breakage.
12. It is the user responsibility to take
proper care of the instruments.
13. We recommend laying down all instruments
in their primary packaging.
14. Vacuum autoclave (steam) is preformed at
the temperature of 134 C.
15.If instruments are dry heat (hot-air)
sterilized, the temperature should be between 180c to 190c.
16. Corroded instruments should be discarded
17. The instructions of the autoclave
manufacturer must be observed always.
18.Instruments must be stored in dry, clean
and humidity-free environment without direct solar radiation.
19. Protect pointed tips of instruments with
cloth, gauze or a special tube.
of instruments:
Fortec International always recommends
following proper handling, care and sterilization methods in order increase the
lifespan of the instruments and make sure they perform the best that they can.
If you would like additional support or
suggestion on looking after your instruments, please feel free
to contact us on